Suzanne Sabourin


I am devoted to Yoga, not just the physical practice but the spiritual solution. My classes are playful, physically challenging and build community. I weave the teachings of yoga throughout class by sharing the sacred Hindu texts such as the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and the Bhagavad Gita. Within their pages, we find the tools to clean up our own stuff so we can be of service to the world. Then we can have a clear perception to see what’s actually in front of us and take action that is purposeful.

On auspicious days, I create sacred space to optimize the energy of the Moon observing and recognizing the effect of the lunar and seasonal cycles on our emotions, energy levels and psychological well being as well as how to balance those cycles for greater harmony. When we gather in rhythm with the cycles of nature and alchemy of one another, we align ourselves with our power to heal, transform and celebrate our unique gifts to the universe.
